Tuesday 11 March 2014


There are two choices in life, the right choices and the wrong ones. The problem is the right choices doesn't seem right on the spot and the wrong ones seems more fun. I am glad I learnt this lessons early in life. Opportunities surrounds us in abundance we are either alert to identify them or too lazy to identify them.

I learnt how to make money at the age of 11, 10 to be exact I was in grade 6 my very 1st year in Gauteng, the city of gold. The year was 2003 I was a senior at New Creation Ministries Sunday school, Mrs. Shebe shared a story about Sir. Richard Branson founder and chairman of Virgin Group a conglomerate chain of businesses with 400 companies. It was early January 2003, what a way to start a year? Richard Branson has been my idol ever since. Mam Shebe as we used to call her shared how Mr Branson started from nothing, written off by everyone to be one of the greatest entrepreneur of all time.

The day I heard about Sir Richard Branson, I decided I will never ever be an employee, I made a commitment to achieve GREATNESS ( don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with being an employee it's a personal choice, not a smart one though) after all intrepreneurs are important within organizations.

I started my 1st business same year I heard of Sir. Richard Branson (2003) Karabo Madisa was my 1st business partner. The whole business thing was a seed planted in my fertile mind by Mam Shebe. I sacrificed 2 weeks pocket money of R2/day as a way of raising capital, I never touched a dime from that money, yes sweets and chips were tempting but I persisted. I was so inspired by Sir. Richard Branson, I wanted to do something about the inspiration his story gave me.

I had R20 at the end of two weeks which I then used to buy my stock "20 cents chews"  was my business, Karabo and I pioneered the slogan "Wa ja wa phasa" meaning if you buy from us you are guaranteed to pass, that strategy was so effective especially during exams time, those were the happiest moments of my life. Unlike my peers I didn't only go to school to learn and play, earning was part of the package meaning I went to school to learn, apply and earn.

It was so exciting that I went to school 1 hour 30 minutes early to take care of the business, I started to make so much money for an 11 year old that I proposed to give my siblings pocket money to which my parents agreed just like that we had a deal. I was not giving them R2 I increased their pocket money by 50 cents which made them so happy and I was proud of me. That alone gave me a sense of responsibility, I was getting aggressive with my selling skills, making sales was my favorite kind of "play." I never enjoyed going to the park with my friends It was sort of boring, slowly I started to notice that I am of a different breed.

I would sell sweets before assembly, during break time and after school, then rush home to manage my moms spaza shop, I probably was the hardest working eleven year old. My weekends were no different I will be ordering stock for moms spaza shop and getting sweets to sell during the week, Sundays were the only days I eased off I went to church and spent the remainder of the day with family.

I know of one thing that made me stand out and that's a choice to be different. I chose to be different, to be daring without caring what the naysayers say, that has been my attitude throughout. My friends laughed at my busy life but I couldn't be bothered as I could afford things which only their parents could, it was fun. I don't care about your circumstances they are a mere excuse that's holding you back. God gives us all 24 hrs in a day which we use or waste, some use their 24 hrs to make a difference some use it to get deeper in debt.

I worked on my work ethic early in life, I set goals and dare to achieve them, especially those which seems to be impossible, those goals which 98% of people see as impractical goals. Dreaming is cheap and easy everyone does that, but no one wants to work hard to wake up from their dreams which as a result will make that dream remain just that, a dream.

I am not from a wealthy family, I am not a politicians child and I am not a magician, life is full of choices, I chose to surf and thrive on top of my circumstances what are your choices?


NB: This article introduces you to my book to be published. Keep checking my blog.

Friday 28 February 2014


It is without doubt that 7 May will mark yet another milestone towards South Africa’s young democracy. There was real excitement from first-time voters, as well as older participants. But even more exhilarating was the thought that where you placed your mark (“X”) holds in it, the potential of this country.
This day had been contemplated in each voter’s minds for weeks. Not many had considered the tiresome wait in the queues, dehydration and kids getting hungry. Let’s face it, people wanted to put their vote on the ballot. That’s all. That’s what raced through their thoughts.
 It was in anticipation of these types of “problems” that our team deployed members in the battlefield (voting stations). A group of individuals sacrificed their position in the queue for an opportunity to provide a solution to an apparent problem. They put their thinking caps on in order to solve the need for the voters, whilst they wait their chance in the booth.
With this opportunity in sight plans were quickly put into place, fresh and affordable refreshments were exchanged for money. The law of compensation was put into great effect, 1. A need for refreshments was there, 2. We had the ability to meet this need (refreshments and good salesmanship), and 3.  We differentiated ourselves from other sellers (fresh and cheap refreshments were sold). There was no substitute for the goods we offered to the voters.
This is truly what freedom, and entrepreneurship means to us, the ability to apply our thoughts towards providing solutions for others without any prejudice, in exchange for money.
By thoughts we attracted money, and by action we received it, without violating the rights of others. This is a team called of duty. 


Monday 24 February 2014

The Magic of Habits, you can start from nothing to be Greater than Great

What is it that you keep doing most of the time? Is it bringing forth any desired results?

"Chain of habits are too light to be felt until they get too heavy to be broken" - Warren Buffet

It's important for you to scan and be aware of the habits you possess for they are the reason you are not where you are supposed to be, just as the bible says:

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." - Proverbs 23:7

You cannot be separated with that which you constantly think of, it manifest in everything you touch. Just as a lemon tree looks like an orange tree they both produce fruits that seem alike though they differ in taste, here's my point feed your garden(brains) with that which you would love to reap, you must understand that if positive is your desired fruit/result you have to spend your time and money on that which you want to reap.

Failure is a result, so is SUCCESS how that comes about depends on the process undertaken to achieve either success or failure(according to Napoleon Hill he calls it doing things in a CERTAIN WAY) don't get me wrong failure is a good result for it just proves how your method or starter did not work, successful people (myself included) when we hit the rock bottom we change strategy since well the one used before didn't bring forth the desired results. Failure is therefore losing the willingness to try again, admitting defeat is what makes a FAILURE.

Its therefore doesn't matter how hard you are knocked down it's how you bounce back when they've written you off that makes great people like you and me GREAT. Secret Success recipe is actually not a secret as such; those little decision you make on daily basis are fundamental building blocks/a foundation to a happy, healthy, wealthy and a purposeful life. The ball is in your court I chose to be great, I chose to be wealthy, healthy and financially free, I am breaking boundaries that's my choice what about you? How long are you planning to live a mediocre life? 

A Porsche that doesn't move is no use it is not fulfilling any purpose it's as good as garbage. At some point you have to go out of potential you cannot live in potential forever, unleash it. In this case I used a Porsche because I am a collector of this luxury brand. Being uncomfortable is the best starting place in a journey of GREATNESS. 

Follow @GreatRINAE on twitter.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


I grew up in an environment where it was trendy to be poor, you need not to dream big all you have to worry about was and still is the will to get by, I saw this as a trap which I didn't want to be part of, I wanted to thrive instead of getting by. In South Africa the problem is not how we turn out to be, the problem lies in our thinking, we do not think much of ourselves, we celebrate mediocrity. For instance Bafana Bafana our national team keeps on disappointing in prestigious events/competitions yet we keep on saying they are preparing or they tried now here's the problem it applies in your life, business, career as well.

In pursuit of being GREAT there is no such thing as semi great, you are either GREAT or AVERAGE hence it all starts in your upstairs. You do not differ much from what you constantly think of, it's a known fact that an apple can not fall far from its tree same as your progress it's limited to how you think about yourself, your career, your business's and everything else, as a sane person you cannot and shouldn't expect a lemon tree to produce oranges.

I tried to do a lot of things I had brilliant ideas, my passion is business, although I had so many ideas my thoughts were not channeled accordingly, I was negative  so negative that I didn't see progress in everything I did. Changing my thinking was the turning point of my life, I believed in myself more, I did things in a certain way, I am unbreakable and I'm thriving my way to millionaire-hood. I am not on my way to millionaire-hood not because I am smart which I am, but this all is happening because I changed my thinking and my results followed.

Rinae Tshikalange